sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2013
Bryn Oh: Imogen and the pigeons opens January 13th
Bryn Oh: Imogen and the pigeons opens January 13th: My new build Imogen and the pigeons will open on January the 13th which is a week from Sunday. It is a immersive narrative with a la...
segunda-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2009
Como será em 2020? Philips Design Probes

Philips Design Probes is a dedicated ‘far-future’ research initiative to track trends and developments that may ultimately evolve into mainstream issues that have a significant impact on business.
The Probes generate insights from research in five main areas; politics, economic, culture, environments and technology futures.
With the aim of understanding ‘lifestyle’ post 2020, the program aims to identify probable systemic shifts in the social and economic domains likely to affect our business and create intellectual property in new areas. It challenges conventional ways of thinking to come up with concepts to stimulate debate. Deliverables range from scenarios and narratives to the creation of experience prototypes and IP fortressing.
The Probes generate insights from research in five main areas; politics, economic, culture, environments and technology futures.
With the aim of understanding ‘lifestyle’ post 2020, the program aims to identify probable systemic shifts in the social and economic domains likely to affect our business and create intellectual property in new areas. It challenges conventional ways of thinking to come up with concepts to stimulate debate. Deliverables range from scenarios and narratives to the creation of experience prototypes and IP fortressing.
quarta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2008
Festival Amber 08 / Istambul / Turquia / 7 - 16 Nov
De consultar caso não conheçam,
Bom trabalho,
interpassive persona
Interactivity is celebrated and enjoyed for the comfort and convenience it brings into our lives, and the aesthetic and practical possibilities it opens up for all creative activity. Efficiency, speed, fluidity, a frictionless flow of things, precision of form and an infinite multiplication of virtual possessions in the digital universe come to mind. Interactive technologies rearticulate our relations to ourselves and to others.
In today's digitalizing world, we access closed and invisible systems that operate on a global scale via our network-connected personal computers. We take on an ever-increasing role in this network of relations that is itself based on interactive technology. Our bodily disposition and movement, consciously or unconsciously partakes in digital interactivity. We interact with machines and others as we interact with others through machines. The information produced as a result of this interaction takes on an independent life as data but continues to somehow represent our real self. On the other hand, the information as an independant existence, do not belong anymore to ourselves and become an active subject, which determines the limitations of our connection to the external world on our behalf.
In this brave new World, in the now and here determined by digital technologies, are we really and completely active subjects? Or do we also need to talk about an interpassive personality?
terça-feira, 29 de julho de 2008
Algo que pessoalmente adoro: light+design+architecture+culture+...
"Light and electricity are the media of urban life. Today more than half of the humanity lives in towns. Quality of life depends on good use of lighting. The Luminale is a publicly accessible light laboratory to get to know more about light and lighting."
Nuage Vert wins Ars Electronica Golden Nica

First 30 seconds of Green Cloud goes online from HeHe on Vimeo.
"Light and electricity are the media of urban life. Today more than half of the humanity lives in towns. Quality of life depends on good use of lighting. The Luminale is a publicly accessible light laboratory to get to know more about light and lighting."
Nuage Vert wins Ars Electronica Golden Nica

First 30 seconds of Green Cloud goes online from HeHe on Vimeo.
quarta-feira, 23 de julho de 2008
Aarhus by Light
Concert Hall Aarhus is the setting for an interactive piece that invites the citizens of the city to be part of a shared experience. In contrast to billboards, Aarhus by Light is not driven by commercial interests. Rather it is an alternative staging of the encounter between the citizens of Aarhus and a cultural landmark. It is a blend of architecture, ornament, and interactive entertainment. People experience the facade in a multitude of situations. They may be headed for the Concert Hall or passing by on their way to shopping. Some may cast a quick glance and hurry on, while others will be lured to explore the interactive potentials of the facade.
It has been a challenge to come up with a design that functions with all of these situations in mind. However, we carry out the Aarhus by Light experiment precisely to gain insights into the workings of media facades.
Brilliant 'UFO' Controlled Remotely by SMS
Clever, very clever. New York artist Peter Coffin teamed with London interactive architect Dominic Harris to launch a "UFO" of their own design earlier this month. The airborne mystery pod produced shock and awe among citizens of a small town last week when it hovered, lights aglow, in Gdansk, Poland.
Dubbed Peter Coffin's UFO Project, the 23-foot aluminum saucer incorporates 3,000 LED nodes controlled by a solid-state computer, according to Harris, head of Cinimod Studio.
"On board, a 6 Kw generator provides the system power," he said. "The overall UFO can be remotely controlled via SMS messaging."
All we know is, the thing looks pretty damn cool (video embedded).
Photo: Michal Szlaga
Fold Loud

Fold Loud is a (de)constructing musical play interface that uses origami paper-folding techniques and ritualistic Taoist principles to give users a sense of slow, soothing relaxation.
Fold Loud interconnects ancient traditions and modern technology by combining origami, vocal sound and interactive techniques. Unlike mainstream technology intended for fast-paced life, Fold Loud is healing, recovering and balancing.
Playing Fold Loud involves folding origami shapes to create soothing harmonic vocal sounds. Each fold is assigned to a different human vocal sound so that combinations of folds create harmonies. Users can fold multiple Fold Loud sheets together to produce a chorus of voices. Opened circuits made out of conductive fabric are visibly stitched onto the sheets of paper which creates a meta-technological aesthetic. When the sheets are folded along crease lines, a circuit is closed like a switch. Thus, the interface guides participants to use repetitive delicate hand gestures such as flipping, pushing and creasing. Fold Loud invites users to slow down and reflect on different physical senses by crafting paper into both geometric origami objects and harmonic music.
Immodesty // Multicamera

Created at the Interactivos?08 at Medialab-Prado
in collaborataion with:
Sofy Yuditskaya, Emanuel Andel, Gwenn Joyaux, Tais Biels Rey, Laura Gabriela Olalde Verdes and with help from many others. Thanks everyone!
This system is a prototype for a portable image recording system based on multiple cameras positioned along a path. The cameras will be controlled by a microcontroller, which can assign a time delay to each camera independently. The rig is modular and reconfigurable allowing for arranging it in any shapes. Based on cheap digital disposable cameras, this aparatus will lend itself to all kinds of temporal-spatial experimentation.
In this first demonstration we explore it to re-conceive or visualize a spatial perception which expands the body's point of view in space.
We recorded multiple sequences with cameras arranged on quarter of a circle arch. For the interactive display we projected an image on the wall. As a person walks by her position is tracked and the picture displayed changes perspective (scrolling through our sequence) corresponding to the angle at which the person is viewing the picture. In effect the viewer can see a 'moment' from many points of view, physically moving around it to explore it.
Once the viewer scrolled through the entire 'moment', the sequence of another moment will be loaded, so that the viewer can walk through the story moment by moment.
Image Fulgurator projects images into other people's photos
There's DIY mischief and then there's next level DIY mischief, and we'd have to say that Julius von Bismarck's Image Fulgurator is one of the best scare-the-squares toys we've ever come across. A sensor detects camera flashes of nearby victims, triggering a projection of the image or text of your choice onto their subjects -- and into their photos. Anyone using a digital camera will notice the trick immediately, of course, but marks with film equipment won't ever know what hit 'em -- although they might remember the weirdo with the pistol-grip camera thing standing next to them. Check the video after the break.
Walk through Italy on a modified treadmill

This art installation, "Exploded Views - Remapping Firenze" uses two modified large-scale industrial treadmills facing a projection surface where interactive 3D models mixed with photographic landscapes of the Italian city of Florence move by steadily while you walk forward. The visual material in the 3D is a result of experimental technology by the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany which makes it possible to combine cinematographic quality photos with interactive graphics.
White Glove tracking
White Glove Tracking Compilation from fi5e on Vimeo.
Above is the White Glove Tracking compilation video Ben and I showed at the New Museum last night. You can also peep the slides from the presentation here. This is the culmination of work that took place over the course of last 2 years. All shine to Zach, Open Frameworks, Jung-Hoon Seo, David Wicks, Tim Knapen, Jonathan Cremieux, Eyebeam, and Rhizome Commissions.
The top ten White Glove data contributers will soon be getting their commemorative prints in the mail. The application and source code for the ASCII generation software used to create the prints can be downloaded here (PC only at this point).
The blinged out ASCII print on the left is made up of the X-Y coordinate data of the white glove movement, and the print on the right is made up of all the email addresses of the data contributers (from most clicks to least starting at the top bottom).
Salling's interactive window tech is interactive
We've seen all sorts hip-cool interactive window installations, usually comprised of a camera for a modicum of interactivity and a projector or a display for screening the results. The Salling store in Arhus, Denmark is taking things a bit further and making the window itself interactive. There's still a camera to sense motion, but instead of a display there's some fancy window tech that makes sections of the glass transparent or not based on where the person is standing. Sure, the idea of having to walk up to a window and wave your arms around to reveal what's behind it might seem a bit counter-intuitive, but at least it'll give the loiterers something to do. Video is after the break.
sexta-feira, 20 de junho de 2008 Antunez no ZDB
Exposição recomendada para disciplina de Interacção Homem-Máquina.
Mais informações, referências e links para sessões em breve no blog da disciplina:
De 8 de Maio a 12 de Julho
Exposição individual de Marcel.lí Antúnez
Esta exposição propõe, sob um olhar atento, marcar um ponto de situação no percurso da obra singular de Marcel.lí Antúnez Roca, partindo da ideia de interfaces e camadas do ser humano, tanto na sua relação emotiva como tecnológica - através do recurso a peles simuladas, identidades espelhadas, próteses, ou exoesqueletos.
Podemos destacar na obra de Marcel.lí Antúnez três pontos temáticos: peles, membranas e processos. Frequentemente surgem exoesqueletos e interfaces mecânicos apresentados enquanto peles; várias peças biológicas como as instalações “Agar” e “Metzina” apresentadas enquanto membranas; e desenhos, objectos e outros elementos remetem-nos para os seus processos metodológicos.
Não seguindo uma ordem cronológica, OUTRAS PELES integra desenhos, robótica, arte biológica e sistemas audiovisuais interactivos, cobrindo uma vasta produção da sua obra desde 1994 até a actualidade, reunindo algumas das mais conhecidas instalações do artista, bem como um catálogo videográfico das suas performances mecatrónicas.No âmbito desta mostra foram produzidas ainda novas peças, cabendo destacar a produção de dois novos trabalhos interactivos: Hipnotoc e Epidermia. Estabelecendo um roteiro visual e conceptual na compreensão do universo Antuniano, uma série de desenhos que revestem as paredes da entrada e dos dois andares da Galeria.
Paralelamente e integrando desenhos e materiais produzidos para OUTRAS PELES, no final da exposição, será editado um catálogo/livro de artista, bilingue (PT/ES), fruto da colaboração de Marcel.lí com o desenhador gráfico Barbara Says/António Gomes.
Natxo Checa
Visitas comentadas à exposição pelo artista e comissário:
Quinta-feira 29 de Maio pelas 19h
Quarta-feira 11 de Junho pelas 19h
Sexta-feira 4 de Julho pelas 19h
Dia 28 de Maio às 18h30, a propósito da sua exposição OUTRAS PELES,
Conferência Transpermia de Marcel.lí Antúnez no auditório do Instituto Cervantes de Lisboa.
Exposição patente de 8 de Maio a 12 de Julho na Galeria Zé dos Bois
Quarta a Sexta das 19h às 23h - Sábado das 14h às 23h
Mais informações, referências e links para sessões em breve no blog da disciplina:
De 8 de Maio a 12 de Julho
Exposição individual de Marcel.lí Antúnez
Esta exposição propõe, sob um olhar atento, marcar um ponto de situação no percurso da obra singular de Marcel.lí Antúnez Roca, partindo da ideia de interfaces e camadas do ser humano, tanto na sua relação emotiva como tecnológica - através do recurso a peles simuladas, identidades espelhadas, próteses, ou exoesqueletos.
Podemos destacar na obra de Marcel.lí Antúnez três pontos temáticos: peles, membranas e processos. Frequentemente surgem exoesqueletos e interfaces mecânicos apresentados enquanto peles; várias peças biológicas como as instalações “Agar” e “Metzina” apresentadas enquanto membranas; e desenhos, objectos e outros elementos remetem-nos para os seus processos metodológicos.
Não seguindo uma ordem cronológica, OUTRAS PELES integra desenhos, robótica, arte biológica e sistemas audiovisuais interactivos, cobrindo uma vasta produção da sua obra desde 1994 até a actualidade, reunindo algumas das mais conhecidas instalações do artista, bem como um catálogo videográfico das suas performances mecatrónicas.No âmbito desta mostra foram produzidas ainda novas peças, cabendo destacar a produção de dois novos trabalhos interactivos: Hipnotoc e Epidermia. Estabelecendo um roteiro visual e conceptual na compreensão do universo Antuniano, uma série de desenhos que revestem as paredes da entrada e dos dois andares da Galeria.
Paralelamente e integrando desenhos e materiais produzidos para OUTRAS PELES, no final da exposição, será editado um catálogo/livro de artista, bilingue (PT/ES), fruto da colaboração de Marcel.lí com o desenhador gráfico Barbara Says/António Gomes.
Natxo Checa
Visitas comentadas à exposição pelo artista e comissário:
Quinta-feira 29 de Maio pelas 19h
Quarta-feira 11 de Junho pelas 19h
Sexta-feira 4 de Julho pelas 19h
Dia 28 de Maio às 18h30, a propósito da sua exposição OUTRAS PELES,
Conferência Transpermia de Marcel.lí Antúnez no auditório do Instituto Cervantes de Lisboa.
Exposição patente de 8 de Maio a 12 de Julho na Galeria Zé dos Bois
Quarta a Sexta das 19h às 23h - Sábado das 14h às 23h
Mensagens (Atom)