sexta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2007
Quanto ao the-future-of-desktop, não sei se é tão futuro. Com a saida do Adobe Air em junção com o flash, olha para esta aplicação :
OFFF Lisboa 2008
Mais info:
Uma das maiores convenções de design interactivo
quinta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2007
visualcomplexity intends to be a unified resource space for anyone interested in the visualization of complex networks. The project's main goal is to leverage a critical understanding of different visualization methods, across a series of disciplines, as diverse as Biology, Social Networks or the World Wide Web.
Database of Virtual Art
The Database of Virtual Art documents the rapidly evolving field of digital installation art. This complex, research-oriented overview of immersive, interactive, telematic and genetic art has been developed in cooperation with established media artists, researchers and institutions. The web-based, cost-free instrument - appropriate to the needs of process art - allows individuals to post material themselves. Compiling video documentation, technical data, interfaces, displays, and literature offers a unique answer to the needs of the field. All works can be linked with exhibiting institutions, events and bibliographical references. Over time the richly interlinked data will also serve as a predecessor for the crucial systematic preservation of this art.
Augmented Reality / Realidade Aumentada
Se alguem tiver interesse em Realidade Aumentada, é só dizer, que eu explico como funciona e o que é necessário para criar aplicações.
quarta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2007
Lista de software/Hardware
Associados a estes links existem uma série de projectos que demonstram a utilização do software.
Gaming, Graphics, and Video Sound and Music
Processing Mobile
Context Free
Design By Numbers
Sound and Music
Pure Data (PD)
Electronics and Fabrication
MovLab - Laboratório de Motion-Capture
O objectivo do laboratório é abranger 2 áreas: Biomecânica e Animação Digital.
Animação Digital associada a à indústria de entretenimento (televisão, cinema e multimédia) onde se pretende explorar o universo criativo a três dimensões. E biomecânica do movimento humano, em que se desenvolvem projectos de análise cinemática, de análise das forças reactivas do apoio (através de uma plataforma de forças AMTI sincronizada com o sistema Vicon) e de análise da dinâmica por conjugação das anteriores de modo a serem obtidas as forças internas desenvolvidas pelo executante e os momentos de força que actuam nas articulações.
Jogo áudio
Zoundz Demo

opensourcery is what you get when you throw a master of bewitching installations and a "real" magician right into a workshop dedicated to magic and illusion.
The workshop was Interactivos?, it took place in June at the MediaLab Madrid. The illusionists are Zachary Lieberman and Mago Julián ("Julian the Magician" in english.)
opensourcery is a performance which marries camera based technology with old fashioned close magic to manipulate a live video image seamlessly and create new tricks. The custom developed software is completely open-source (thus the title) and designed as a starting point for imagining a new language of tricks and techniques for magical
Spellbinder Makes Invisible Artwork Appear When You Take a Picture

Say you're in Europe, standing in front of some medieval castle. You take a picture of it with your cameraphone and send it via MMS to Spellbinder. Soon you get a message back with your shot, only now there's a giant green fire-breathing dragon guarding the castle's gate. There are no elves in a sweatshop, magically overlaying images on top of your stuff. Rather there's a system that analyzes the shot, matches it to a huge database of other shots, then does what Spellbinder's programmers tell it to do. And it can do a whole lot more.
The same system can be turned into a dueling game: you and your worst enemy put on shirts with barcodes or distinct images on the front and back. At 10 paces, you both draw your digital Elphs and start snapping. He who snaps the most shots of the other guy's sensitive areas—or maybe a iconic flag your enemy was meant to protect—wins. (I assume the tally happens later on, because even with cameraphones, there'd surely be an annoying lag as Spellbinder performed shot-by-shot analysis.)
interactive party ball

The Impact of Large Scale Integrated Displays on Architecture and Urbanism.

have mixed feelings on LED facade architecture and in particular the placing of large LED Screens in publc spaces. I’m therefor glad to see that these technologies are getting crtically discussed by a great line up of designers, artists, and architects at a 2 day conference held at Central Saint Martins Innovation Center in London. There’s a few people speaking, I’ve not had the chance to listen to but enjoyed their books which I’m particularily looking forward to hearing including Bart Lootsma, Kari Jormakka and Malcom McCullough. Full list of speakers can be found below. along with the blurb…
Ivan Blog [Dreaming in Flash]
Para quem sabe um pouco de flash (abrir o flash) este blog não irá ensinar nada de novo, mas prontos... o que conta é a intenção.
Agora a sério, é uma iniciativa do Ivan com mais alguns colegas sobre Flash/programação actionscript. Parabéns pela iniciativa, tá muito bom,
City Wall

The CityWall is a large mutli-touch display installed in a central location in Helsinki which acts as a collaborative and playful interface for the everchanging media landscape of the city.
The content displayed on the CityWall is periodically organized into themes or events that are currently taking place in the city such as festivals, carnivals or sports events.
The CityWall is designed to support the navigation of media, specifically annotated photos and videos which are continuously gathered in realtime from public sources such as Flickr and YouTube.
gosto deste especialmente:
Seminários - Ciência, Tecnologia e Empresa 2007/ 2008
terça-feira, 27 de novembro de 2007
Crayon Physics
Download da aplicação(funciona com rato):
Alguns links
Plataforma digital sobre arte contemporânea de/em Portugal entre 1993 e 2003
Out of Bounds

Shine the torch at the wall to reveal the secrets hidden beneath. Pay an anonymous visit to the staff office, collection’s store, workshop, roof hatch or plant room. “As adults, we spend less and less of our time engaging in playful activities. Our daily life and careers often get in the way. I’m interested in how play can enrich our lives. I aim to take concepts of interaction design, toys, video games and playgrounds, and bring them into our everyday objects and spaces”.
O’Shea’s work often incorporates alternative uses of technology to encourage people to relinquish the learnt behaviour of adulthood and reconnect with the wonderment of youth. Through his reprogramming and reassignment he hopes to give audiences fresh new perspectives, allowing them to re-evaluate their everyday surroundings. Just as a torch shines light into a darkened space to bring things into focus, this work uses the torch as a way of looking into the workings of a modern museum.
Dezeen has much more coverage of the exhibition here.
Funky Forest

Diesel's Fashion Show Adds New Dimension

Driftnet I
Driftnet is a confluence of two ideas – bird-like flight, and a spatialised, navigable musical environment.
At one level, it experiments with intuitive methods for freely navigating 3D virtual space. Users are invited to ‘fly like a bird’ to navigate through a virtual space. Using NO worn equipment - just by flapping their arms/wings and tilting their arms and bodies – people can intuitively (and amusingly!) navigate freely in virtual space. The metaphor used harks back to childhood play, imitating birds and planes in the playground.
The virtual space is regarded as the notation paper for a spatial, navigable musical composition – we use it to create immersive and responsive virtual spaces that can be explored both visually and aurally – an area we have been exploring with “Altzero” ( since 1999. Sounds become reactive agents, visualised within the space and with behaviours that respond to one’s presence. By moving through the space, participants are able to navigate the musical composition, as proximity and relative position directly affect what is heard.
The immersive experience, and the slightly tongue-in-cheek flavour of the interface, are both enhanced by the use of anaglyphic red/cyan specs to create a strong illusion of 3D depth.
Novas tecnologias
paper four:
Technohouse Transparent 360° display for Star Wars styled advertisements:
360-degree HD camera and projector
interactive textiles
Messa di Voce

This probably is old news, but I was looking for introductory white papers about computer vision and came across this which I found fun and interesting so I risked sharing it:
Vocalist Jaap Blonk performing the Messa di Voce interactive software by Golan Levin and Zachary Lieberman (2003).
Messa di Voce, created by this article's author in collaboration with Zachary Lieberman, uses whole-body vision-based interactions similar to Krueger's, but combines them with speech analysis and situates them within a kind of projection-based augmented reality. In this audiovisual performance, the speech, shouts and songs produced by two abstract vocalists are visualized and augmented in real-time by synthetic graphics. To accomplish this, a computer uses a set of vision algorithms to track the locations of the performers' heads; this computer also analyzes the audio signals coming from the performers' microphones. In response, the system displays various kinds of visualizations on a projection screen located just behind the performers; these visualizations are synthesized in ways which are tightly coupled to the sounds being spoken and sung. With the help of the head-tracking system, moreover, these visualizations are projected such that they appear to emerge directly from the performers' mouths [Levin and Lieberman].
This article:
Old post:
More on the Audiovisual Performance & Installation:
Messa di voce on youtube:
segunda-feira, 26 de novembro de 2007
Mais um...
domingo, 25 de novembro de 2007
Adobe Flash For Art
Joshua Davis
Jared Tarbell
Erik Natzke
Robert Hodgin (Processing)
Brendan Dawes
Flash Freaks:
Mario Klingemann
Andre Michelle
sábado, 24 de novembro de 2007
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